
Showing posts from April, 2014

I Scream To My Mom

Hai, lama ga nulis di blog hahahha. Anyway aku abis tipes, huhuhu. Uda tipes, kena radang tenggorokan lagi. Sungguh double punchline. Tapi sekarang aku uda pulih, meski masih batuk-batuk dikit trus ususku agak sakit2 gitu. But, i'm fine. Oke, selesai ya curhat soal penyakitnya, hihihi.     Baca judulnya, ngeri ya? Hihihi, but that's the fact. I scream to my mom, everyday. That's the way I communicate with my mom. But trust me, I really love her. I can't live without her. When I'm at the end, she's always there. When I'm not capable to do anything, she is there to do all those things. But why do I scream to her? It's rude, isn't it? Well, I blame my ADHD for that. Ketika kecil, ketika mamaku ga paham apa yang aku maksud, aku menjelaskannya dengan teriak dan mamaku paham. So I found the best way to communicate with her. Mamaku paham. Mamaku mengerti. Tapi orang lain tidak. You know, ADHD can't be cured, I still have it. Jadi, ketika orang lain